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4-40 x 3/16 Flat Top Pan Torx T10 18-8 Stainless Steel 100 Pcs.

Item Number: 30006
Part #: 16647-8N1
Price: $26.62
Torx® PLUS, is designed to allow greater torque, and to minimize wear. Currently, Torx® PLUS heads and drivers are patented, slowing adoption in the marketplace. Standard Torx® drivers can be used to drive Torx® PLUS screws, but Torx® PLUS drivers will not fit standard Torx® screws. There is also a tamper resistant version of Torx® PLUS, having five lobes and solid post in the center. Drivers for the tamper-resistant version are tightly controlled by Camcar, and are sold only to OEMs (along with the fasteners), or OEM-authorized repair facilities.
Item Number: 30006
Manufacturer: Fastener Express
Part #: 16647-8N1
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